
Laid off coincidentally less than a week after reporting a teacher at the daycare I work at to CPS for slapping a child.

I don’t know if I have any legal recourse, while they did undoubtedly lay me off over it (they even tried moving me to another center at the same company, knowing it would be hard for me to get there with no car and I had to tell them I couldn’t, due to construction that has made getting to that side of town by bus very time intensive), I didn’t follow the proper protocol when it came to reporting (I waited a day or two to do so & never let my boss know, as I feared retaliation.). I had also spoken to other coworkers about it and my boss lamented to everyone about how it was all over drama and caused by gossip (going as far to give everyone the equivalent of a how to guide to not gossiping in the workplace & FRAMING IT AND HANGING IT IN…

I don’t know if I have any legal recourse, while they did undoubtedly lay me off over it (they even tried moving me to another center at the same company, knowing it would be hard for me to get there with no car and I had to tell them I couldn’t, due to construction that has made getting to that side of town by bus very time intensive), I didn’t follow the proper protocol when it came to reporting (I waited a day or two to do so & never let my boss know, as I feared retaliation.). I had also spoken to other coworkers about it and my boss lamented to everyone about how it was all over drama and caused by gossip (going as far to give everyone the equivalent of a how to guide to not gossiping in the workplace & FRAMING IT AND HANGING IT IN EACH CLASSROOM. I have included it in the second slide.)

My boss also went on and on in the meeting we were all handed those letters about “the danger of false reports”. Also said it was “found to not be true” when all CPS found was that it was unsubstantiated.

I am just so done, and hoping I can at least get unemployment for the next few weeks.

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