
No tips while in training?!

Ok so I completely understand the first few days of training is you just standing around getting the feel for everything and you don't do much. So it's reasonable to not make any tips. However these last few days my manager has told the other person I'm working with that day to stand back and let me do everything. (This is a coffee shop btw) So I'm taking orders, making those said orders, doing prep, dishes etc. and yet at the end of the shift my coworker gets all the tips and I get nothing but base pay. Oh and here's the kicker, base pay in $10/hr. I'm in a tight spot for money right now and I wouldn't have taken the job if there wasn't going to be tips. I'm a little pissed rn I want to quit so bad but I have bills to pay so

Ok so I completely understand the first few days of training is you just standing around getting the feel for everything and you don't do much. So it's reasonable to not make any tips. However these last few days my manager has told the other person I'm working with that day to stand back and let me do everything. (This is a coffee shop btw) So I'm taking orders, making those said orders, doing prep, dishes etc. and yet at the end of the shift my coworker gets all the tips and I get nothing but base pay. Oh and here's the kicker, base pay in $10/hr. I'm in a tight spot for money right now and I wouldn't have taken the job if there wasn't going to be tips. I'm a little pissed rn I want to quit so bad but I have bills to pay so

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