No doubt that they omit the salary to see who “truly wants to be there for the job and not the money.”
A lot of people want meaning and purpose from their job, when I'm just trying to get paid and have autonomy. I work to live, not live to work. My current situation yields me thatautonomy, but I see the writing on the wall and I'm not going to progress if I just stay here and wait for further raises. I've managed to accrue priceless experience and skills during the last 2 years here, but I'm starting to look for a better job now since you really just have to job hop now for more money. As opposed to the past, I'm carefully applying to jobs to which I would have corresponding qualifications. I'm trying to get at least a 25% pay increase. I'm dismissing a lot of jobs though because I don't see the pay mentioned anywhere.
Is anybody else like this? Like no way in hell am I leaving my current situation where I don't have to go into the office and can do personal tasks during the day for the same price, but I'll do more work for more money, thus I will not even consider a job if I don't know what the pay range.