This might be disorganised and illogical but in my defence I’m absolutely knackered… I was thinking earlier about the way I have to wear a uniform at work and I’ve realised that outside of PPE and security reasons (which can be handled in a different way anyway) its pointless…
I’m a domestic cleaner meaning my uniform is part of my PPE, it’s a blue polo shirt with black trousers and my NHS badge. Wouldn’t it save the company money and improve morale if instead of making us wear uniforms (which they warn us may be inspected) they were to tell us to wear short sleeves and thick trousers we don’t mind getting damaged? Why do we have to wear clothes that stifle individuality? Wearing a uniform isn’t going to make me change your bins any faster (although ngl it is handy to have pockets I can put spare bin liners in, but I could easily find my own trousers to do that with)
I get that certain professions like the military and police require uniforms which is fair enough but if it isn’t essential to the job and doesn’t obstruct PPE I think it should be abolished where possible and replaced with a policy requiring personal clothing isn’t offensive… that’s it… let people express themselves… it’s not that fucking hard
Thanks for listening to the rant