
“Come in if you want” (during my vacation)

I wanted to share a story from the past. I was on vacation for a week and specified to my boss that I'd be off for the week, through the upcoming long weekend. No problems with getting that time off, they said they're going on vacation that same time too. The long weekend was a Monday holiday, so I was off the week going into that weekend meaning I'd be back Tuesday, or so I thought. I get a message the Friday evening from them being like “I'll be back in on Monday, anyone who wants to work from X-Y, let me know”. I'm confused reading that while on vacation because Monday is a holiday, why would anyone come in, and I thought they were off the long weekend too. I get a message Sunday night from then checking in on me since I never replied and were like “Hope…

I wanted to share a story from the past.

I was on vacation for a week and specified to my boss that I'd be off for the week, through the upcoming long weekend. No problems with getting that time off, they said they're going on vacation that same time too.

The long weekend was a Monday holiday, so I was off the week going into that weekend meaning I'd be back Tuesday, or so I thought.

I get a message the Friday evening from them being like “I'll be back in on Monday, anyone who wants to work from X-Y, let me know”. I'm confused reading that while on vacation because Monday is a holiday, why would anyone come in, and I thought they were off the long weekend too.

I get a message Sunday night from then checking in on me since I never replied and were like “Hope you enjoyed your vacation, if you want to come in tomorrow you can come if you want.”.

I flat out told them “I'm off through the long weekend so I won't be back until Tuesday”.

To this day I'm still confused about it. In what world is “I'm off through the long weekend” mean “I'm free to work the holiday Monday”? Wouldn't it not even be a long weekend if the Monday isn't a holiday…Even for them being off, they said they're off the long weekend too, just to be like “I'll be back in on Monday” on a FRIDAY evening.

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