I just recently started at a retail store. The week before I started the company I work for implemented a point system. None of the senior associates enjoy it. Calling out for a day is a full point, leaving early or coming in late results in a half point being added to your account. If you’re hospitalized and can’t attend work you must provide a doctors note which will excuse every day you were absent but you still accrue a point for your entire hospital stay(so if you were out for, let’s say, four days you’d only get one point for the whole hospital stay). If you accrue more than five points during your first 30 days it’s termination but after your first 30 days your point threshold gets bumped to 17 points instead of five. The only way to get a point taken from your record is to go 45 days without accruing a full/half point. Only then will a single point get taken from your account. The only way to get a point excused is by personally emailing the vice president of the company who sometimes holds personal biases based on the person and the reason of absence. For those of you that don’t know, the gulf coast of florida was hit with a category one hurricane named “Debby” last week. My area was flooded and I couldn’t attend work the day the storm arrived. According to my VP, “there was no flooding that day since the storm hadn’t gotten bad yet.” So she has apparently told my store manager that I have received a point for that day I didn’t come in and there isn’t a way it’ll be excused. I don’t agree with that and have just sent an email to our head of the HR department to see if I can get this resolved.