
The time and money required for job hunting partially explains resume gaps.

So many potential employers have extended invitations for me to meet them for in-person interviews. The problem is, despite the workplace being 20 minutes away, I keep getting told the interviews are conducted at Head Office locations when it could EASILY be a Zoom meeting. Just today, I was invited to an interview. The place of employment is 15 minutes from where I live. The interview, however, is a 4.5 hour round trip just so I can sit across from someone and explain why I have gaps in my resume. Gee, I don’t know, maybe it’s because it takes literally the entire day (and money to commute) for me to travel there, making me unavailable to attend other interviews. Not to mention, that there’s rarely ONE interview anymore. Usually you’re called back for a 2nd interview, a 3rd, a 4th and so on. I have wasted so much time, energy…

So many potential employers have extended invitations for me to meet them for in-person interviews.

The problem is, despite the workplace being 20 minutes away, I keep getting told the interviews are conducted at Head Office locations when it could EASILY be a Zoom meeting.

Just today, I was invited to an interview. The place of employment is 15 minutes from where I live. The interview, however, is a 4.5 hour round trip just so I can sit across from someone and explain why I have gaps in my resume.

Gee, I don’t know, maybe it’s because it takes literally the entire day (and money to commute) for me to travel there, making me unavailable to attend other interviews. Not to mention, that there’s rarely ONE interview anymore. Usually you’re called back for a 2nd interview, a 3rd, a 4th and so on.

I have wasted so much time, energy and MONEY searching for a job.

Why the hell should I?!

Today, I finally had enough and told the person inviting me that the distance I would need to travel to attend the interview is excessive and suggested either meeting at the workplace or a Zoom meeting.

They replied “Unfortunately there is no spare office in that location to conduct an interview, thank you but we will no longer be proceeding with your application.”

In this day and age, it is ludicrous to me that employers are so inefficient and too stubborn to consider alternatives where the potential employee isn’t the one going the extra mile each and every time.

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