Please help me understand if I was in the wrong here or if my boss should have been clearer with me from the start.
As the new admin assistant at my job (been here for roughly 3 months now), I’m still learning things day by day. We have our own timesheets to fill out, and my boss has me fill his out for him. He writes out his hours traditionally, and I input them in our online database. He was on vacation the last week of August and sent me his hours via email to input. When i received the email, I only saw hours input up to 8/26, nothing after that. If there were more days/hours, those attachments didn’t load in.
Today, my boss tells me there were hours missing from his timesheet. I go to check my email to see if I missed any hours he sent me. Lo and behold, there were the dates for 8/28-8/31 with the hours I missed. I don’t understand how i didn’t see them before since they were so obviously there now. But like I said, they probably didn’t load in before since he sent them from the beach.
He seemed a little annoyed I missed those hours, even though it was an honest mistake. He even said he checked my email to make sure all his attachments went through (he’s the admin and has access to my gmail account). This felt like he was accusing me of lying when I clearly wasn’t, I seriously had not seen the attachments. I told him I was sorry and since he was on vacation, i figured he maybe didn’t work those days. He said to always ask and not to assume. (Just to put it out there: he still works remotely some days when he is away on vacation.)
Was I in the wrong here? I also don’t exactly know when the billing ends because I’m still relatively new and didn’t know the cutoff is the exact last day of the month. I thought maybe he also only did it up to the 26th because that was the end of the pay period.. again, maybe I was wrong to assume that?
I just feel like all my mistakes here have been because of things I’m just supposed to know or things I shouldn’t have assumed. Well, I wouldn’t have known to ask for the dates 8/28-8/31 if I didn’t know they were missing and he worked those days.
So who’s really in the wrong here.. was it my mistake for not confirming that he had sent those days/hours to me? Or should he have confirmed with me that I received them?