As stated in the title, my goal of learning is to be empowered with the knowledge to be able to manipulate the reality so that I can build something which ends up working for me so that I can achieve financial freedom.
I study Electrical Engineering with the major in machine learning and minor in embedded systems, by the way, and I hope to be someday able to build something which generates income to me without me needing to work from 9 to 5 in some corporation no matter how hyped it would be. All I want is to have some passive income to be able to do with my time what ever I want to do with it, be it related to my studies or not.
Am I alone with this view? is everyone else just aiming for some hyped up position on SpaceX or something where they can slave away their life in hopes to get some bragging rights? Every time the professors make a comment like this would be the goal I just die inside.