So I work in a kitchen manufacturing business and I am currently drawing all the joinery on 3D cad after working years on the factory floor honing my trade. I've got my own desk, phone and email address now and I was really excited and proud that I was moving up the ladder.
Turns out all that has happened is that anything I do is now scrutinized beyond belief and I have a mountain of work that cannot be done by myself in a normal work week. When I do overtime to complete these tasks my boss tells me that I need to do it in normal hours because he didn't allow overtime for it. He rushes me and errors occur and he loses his shit about them.
I have been stressing trying to come up with ways of making my work more efficient to be able to meet deadlines but I figured out its impossible. There needs to be another person helping me with the workload or be given more time to complete jobs. Neither of which my boss will do.
Pair this with the fact that I found out that the guy downstairs who filled my old position with half the responsibilities as me currently is getting paid the same per hour as me, I was over it. I was over the stressing, I was over trying my hardest only to be shit on at the end.
Then I unlocked a secret level that I didn't even know existed.
I stopped stressing and started cruising on the jobs. I worked maybe at 60% capacity and stopped caring about people jumping up and down awaiting their drawings etc. I would leave on time every day and not worry about trying to cram in extra work before the days end. In between drawing I would peruse news sites or reddit as well.
To my surprise the less I really cared the less anything changed. My boss was still shitty half the time but it was pretty much the same as I always got, The only difference was that now I didn't take any of it personally because my care factor was at an all time low. I stopped answering phone calls or emails after hours too and its business as usual.
I was in disbelief, I am getting paid the exact same as before but now I don't really care and am getting treated the same.
I was always in the belief that if you worked hard the results would show but not at this place. The more you care the more you stress. Stress less and get paid the same and its happy days.
I've been doing this for like 3 years now by the way. I've lowered my capacity over those years and now that's just the work output he expects from me and I stress less for it. Its quite literally a secret level I didn't think existed.