
Read me !

Rent for one bedroom easily over 1500. Trips to stores taking out about half of our paychecks, and not to mention the gas we would need to refill our cars up after days of driving to work. We also have to pay outrageous amount for healthcare, and we need to pay alott of other bills, and take care of potential children and whatnot. This system is built to keep the most of us on the brink of poverty, so that we r forced to keep on working. I think it’s time we organized for a mass strike of work. If the majority across the country stop working, to show that we need better pay, and we want to pay less for our living expenses, this can work, as the system needs us to work, they need our labor to keep up their profits. We cannot keep on allowing these CEOs…

Rent for one bedroom easily over 1500. Trips to stores taking out about half of our paychecks, and not to mention the gas we would need to refill our cars up after days of driving to work. We also have to pay outrageous amount for healthcare, and we need to pay alott of other bills, and take care of potential children and whatnot. This system is built to keep the most of us on the brink of poverty, so that we r forced to keep on working.

I think it’s time we organized for a mass strike of work. If the majority across the country stop working, to show that we need better pay, and we want to pay less for our living expenses, this can work, as the system needs us to work, they need our labor to keep up their profits. We cannot keep on allowing these CEOs and corporations to keep on getting richer day by day while we struggle even more to make ends meet, it’s not fair.

In the event that this plan is liked among the community, I would want to propose that this is to be started next week, starting June 12(to give you all ample time to prep). I would also request the people buy only WHAT THEY NEED, you aren’t the only person in this world, and people in your community/neighborhood will share with you supplies and whatnot, all you need to do is simply talk to them.

I also want to request that you use this time to enjoy nature for some time, get off the world of the internet and take hikes, spend time with your family, make that new dish you wanted to make. Just get your mind off of working all the time.

I do not support the looting of businesses if this is implemented thruout the country, as you put lives in danger by doing so, and by looting businesses that have no1 working there, you defeat the purpose of this strike, and we are better than that. Help the man next to you, and they in turn will help you.

To workers in trades, I will leave it up to your personal choice to if you want to join us or not aswell, as u do have to keep electricity, water, etc running. You are welcome to join though, and if you cannot join due to any reason, no shame should come to you, or any1 else that decides to keep on working.

I believe there’s very little point of working nowadays, we don’t get to see the fruit of our labor, and I don’t want to wait until cost of living gets so high we start losing our homes, we need to stand up now and tell the gov, corps that we won’t work if we don’t feel secure and satisfied working at our jobs

EDIT: after reading a comment that was deleted, although it should’ve been kept, I thought it was good to say. I do not write this message to bash you all for consuming, I do not write this message to say that all of you will begin stealing, I do not want to guilt you all into doing this, I thought it would be best if I were to list potential things that could arise, I can make edits if there’s a misunderstanding

I also changed the start date aswell, to give more time to prep

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