
Fuck Fedex

I been working at Fedex for almost 3 months as a part-timer Package Handler. Simple job, but it's ass. Hard work for 15/hr for only 5 hours a shift. You can double shift and work another 5 hrs, with the strong possibly of staying an extra hour. You also get capped at 35hrs. Full-timers get $16/hr. Still not guaranteed hours, and will also be capped either at 35hr to if you're lucky 45hr. The only good thing that made me stay was that the Friday to Sunday we get 3 extra dollars for working on those days. So 18hr-19hr. It's nice money, except that everything is so much kore Expensive. 300/week is actually pretty fuckin hard to sustain. Even 400 doesn't seem to cut it now. $100 in groceries is so little. it doesn't even last me that week. Then there gas, and it not even lasting me anymore. Like…

I been working at Fedex for almost 3 months as a part-timer Package Handler. Simple job, but it's ass. Hard work for 15/hr for only 5 hours a shift. You can double shift and work another 5 hrs, with the strong possibly of staying an extra hour. You also get capped at 35hrs. Full-timers get $16/hr. Still not guaranteed hours, and will also be capped either at 35hr to if you're lucky 45hr.
The only good thing that made me stay was that the Friday to Sunday we get 3 extra dollars for working on those days. So 18hr-19hr. It's nice money, except that everything is so much kore Expensive. 300/week is actually pretty fuckin hard to sustain. Even 400 doesn't seem to cut it now. $100 in groceries is so little. it doesn't even last me that week. Then there gas, and it not even lasting me anymore. Like wtf.
Picking up heavy ass boxes for 5 hours without music or anything and then being told to hurry despite you having to stay safe and not fuck up your body. It's so annoying and agitating. I wouldn't mind doing this job if the pay was higher and if the hours were actually given.

But the main reason why I am gripping over Fedex now, despite them having done this before but this recent thing feels like an utter slap to the face.

A week or two prior to Memorial Day, Fedex was advertising inside the warehouse that if you come by on Memorial Day you'll make time and a half. For me that's 22.50/hr. Which was great. The issue is, there was no possibly of doubleshifting unless you work Twilight shift the next day. Because they combined the shifts.
The start time on that day was 3pm, and we got out at 8pm. Only 5 hours. They also combined the shifts, so Day Sort and Twilight worked those hours. And after them was Early Riser and I guess Dawn Breakers? Idk the shift name. But thet started working as soon as we left which was around 8 to 8:30. You'd be getting out at 3 to 4 in the morning. I couldn't do it, because my time starts at 11:45. Barely a lick of sleep. Fuck, even getting out early, I wasn't able to sleep. But irrelevant.

So the next day arrives. Day sorts start like usual, ai was originally thinking of doubleshifting. Myself and many others got clocked out and removed from fhe warehouse. I didn't find it too big of a deal, I can make up the hours tomorrow. Was my thought. Same thing happened again. Now my next paycheck is no only going to be way less than what I usually make, but the whole point of fucking memorial day, or the incentive to make more money was entirely wasted and just destroyed.

How the fuck are you going to offer more money and then cut everyone's fucking hours like that. Holy shit that pisses me off so much. I don't even want to go to work at this point.

I been trying to find other jobs but now $15 isn't enough. Even with 40hrs isn't enough to get me by.

The other thing is that they're no longer going to have the $3/hr bonus. I have heard a rumor that the package handlers will be getting a pay raise to $17/hr. But that still isn't enough. Rent is up my ass. I'm trying to also get a car but the car note and the insurance is going to leave me broke, along with everything else. I been trying to budget but I'm being left with less than 100 after a month of bills. Like fuck. This sucks ass. I have to find a second job to keep myself a float, and I can't even stay at fedex because their hours aren't that flexible, and they don't allow you to reach a certain amount of hours.

I'm just pissed at Fedex for wasting my and everyone's time. Like fuck you. I hate that.

Probably not gonna go to work at this point. This shit ain't worth it.

Fedex enticed everyone with times and a half for working memorial day, and after that they cut everyone's hours to the point where they're either getting the same usual check or less than that.
Fuck Fedex.

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