

When I was in grad school, we were put through hell. We were deprived of sleep, drained of funds, told we were worthless, told to jump through hoops. We were told we were the lucky ones. When we complained about our inhumane treatment (which we paid thousands/hundreds of thousands of dollars for) we were told we just needed to build our grit. our resilience. Now I am stuck in a career with no upward mobility and constant employee abuse. I spent 7 years slaving away academically for a career which has no future for me. I am a wage slave with no power and no autonomy. Despite my extensive training and dedication I am stuck with a horrible career with no prospects. But because I have spent so much time and money training I feel trapped. But I am such a fool, I was played, trained, and groomed to be…

When I was in grad school, we were put through hell.

We were deprived of sleep, drained of funds, told we were worthless, told to jump through hoops.

We were told we were the lucky ones.

When we complained about our inhumane treatment (which we paid thousands/hundreds of thousands of dollars for) we were told we just needed to build our grit. our resilience.

Now I am stuck in a career with no upward mobility and constant employee abuse.

I spent 7 years slaving away academically for a career which has no future for me. I am a wage slave with no power and no autonomy. Despite my extensive training and dedication I am stuck with a horrible career with no prospects. But because I have spent so much time and money training I feel trapped.

But I am such a fool, I was played, trained, and groomed to be a obedient worker bee who just tolerates abuse.

This is a raw deal. I want my life back. I'm in my late 20s, overeducated, undercompensated, tired, in debt, exhausted.

Our whole system is designed to teach us to put up with abuse and ask for more.

Sorry, just watching the special on netflix “Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey” and I just see the parallels in my life for my career and felt the need to rant.

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