

If you saw my post last week before it was removed because it was, screenshots, here's a TLDR: get hired for $x/hr, + $y per item done per job (incentive) offer letter mentions “on my own” to earn said incentive i go to submit for incentives, told I have to wait 90 days …boss then asks for me to submit still as “practice” after i'm like, why would i do that if i can't get them? i ask for all this shit in writing, including the 90 day policy and incentive policy, as well as questions such as “why wasn't i informed of this earlier” boss honors my technicalities and gives me incentives only ~25 days in. (only for me tho) I screenshot this and sent it to coworkers so they can get the bonuses early also. Fast forward to first day of following week, (june20) we have branch-wide meeting…

If you saw my post last week before it was removed because it was, screenshots, here's a TLDR:

get hired for $x/hr, + $y per item done per job (incentive)

offer letter mentions “on my own” to earn said incentive

i go to submit for incentives, told I have to wait 90 days

…boss then asks for me to submit still as “practice” after i'm like, why would i do that if i can't get them?

i ask for all this shit in writing, including the 90 day policy and incentive policy, as well as questions such as “why wasn't i informed of this earlier”

boss honors my technicalities and gives me incentives only ~25 days in. (only for me tho)

I screenshot this and sent it to coworkers so they can get the bonuses early also.

Fast forward to first day of following week, (june20) we have branch-wide meeting with bosses and discuss stuff.

Boss comes out of left field and gives everyone still in the 90 days period incentives early.

I also am way over qualified for this job I might add, and the turnover for this job is incredibly high. This move from the boss has me wondering if I kicked the hornets nest that makes up this companies management.

other tid bit about a similar situation: coming in, things are done so inefficiently, such as not having shared documents such as spreadsheets to document the work. I brought this up to management in a call the same day the incentive discussion happened, and was told no, work with other coworkers to coordinate.. and that local copies work for them in the office. (no shit sherlock)

At this aforementioned meeting, it was unveiled we'd be using live updating software going forward. Double lol in my book.

Thanks for reading.

TLDR: just read this bro it aint even that long

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