
Oh sorry boss

I worked for a construction company. that flat out said i could not put my wife on my insurance if her company offered her benefits. I found that funny so i asked my brother( big Pharma guy that deals with both insurance and feds) He said and gave me the number to call the IRS since the company letter claimed it was due to obama care. The IRS asked if i would fax them the letter. i did. My Boss shit himself when the IRS showed up. After they ate his lunch they moved on to the other four companies that were all under the same big company. They no longer have that policy. Also Melvin my boss at the time called me into the office. he wanted to know what possessed me to do that. my response. All oboma care questions have to be answered by the IRS and…

I worked for a construction company. that flat out said i could not put my wife on my insurance if her company offered her benefits. I found that funny so i asked my brother( big Pharma guy that deals with both insurance and feds) He said and gave me the number to call the IRS since the company letter claimed it was due to obama care. The IRS asked if i would fax them the letter. i did. My Boss shit himself when the IRS showed up. After they ate his lunch they moved on to the other four companies that were all under the same big company. They no longer have that policy. Also Melvin my boss at the time called me into the office. he wanted to know what possessed me to do that. my response. All oboma care questions have to be answered by the IRS and i needed to not get audited so i asked them. They investigated. i win. He quit a month latter. since big bosses thought it was his fault since he tried to pass the buck up the latter. hey melvin shit rolls downhill not up.

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