
“I don’t think you’ll spread it”

That's a brilliant quote from my CEO. My entire household has covid, but everyone says I can come to work if I don't have symptoms. Everybody seems to expect me to take a test every single day and act like I'm fine. It's been three years but nobody understands covid somehow. Carriers with no symptoms exist. Everybody in my company is vaccinated, but I'm so disappointed. I thought they would take this seriously, and tell me to go home. Instead I have to listen to passive aggressive bullshit. Nobody wants to be near me, but for some reason I haven't been sent home. We're not even that desperately understaffed anymore….well…the shipping department is but we hired two more sales reps. I wear a mask 24/7 at work now and I feel so numb. I can't sleep because I'm worried about my family. I'm angry at them too. They all contacted…

That's a brilliant quote from my CEO. My entire household has covid, but everyone says I can come to work if I don't have symptoms. Everybody seems to expect me to take a test every single day and act like I'm fine. It's been three years but nobody understands covid somehow. Carriers with no symptoms exist. Everybody in my company is vaccinated, but I'm so disappointed. I thought they would take this seriously, and tell me to go home.

Instead I have to listen to passive aggressive bullshit. Nobody wants to be near me, but for some reason I haven't been sent home. We're not even that desperately understaffed anymore….well…the shipping department is but we hired two more sales reps. I wear a mask 24/7 at work now and I feel so numb. I can't sleep because I'm worried about my family. I'm angry at them too. They all contacted covid on vacation at a beachside resort. Every time I think work can't get worse it does.

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