
A 10b+ company is trying to get me to commit multiple felonies a day…

Hello everyone, I recently got a job at a very large unnamed company. My first week went great during training. I watched all the HR videos, did some worksheets, shadowed fellow employees, you know.. typical first week on the job stuff. Now my second week comes around and I am doing more training, but this time I am doing notary training. I start asking my coworkers how hard it is and what the process they go through and the like as a curious person does. Multiple coworkers chime in and tell me not to worry about it, they just got their notary license last month. It wasn't a big deal and it should be easy. Wow great I thought, let's continue on. So now there's me, on the Florida state governors website reading about the rules and regulations of being a notary and I notice that defrauding the state of…

Hello everyone,
I recently got a job at a very large unnamed company. My first week went great during training. I watched all the HR videos, did some worksheets, shadowed fellow employees, you know.. typical first week on the job stuff.

Now my second week comes around and I am doing more training, but this time I am doing notary training. I start asking my coworkers how hard it is and what the process they go through and the like as a curious person does. Multiple coworkers chime in and tell me not to worry about it, they just got their notary license last month. It wasn't a big deal and it should be easy. Wow great I thought, let's continue on.

So now there's me, on the Florida state governors website reading about the rules and regulations of being a notary and I notice that defrauding the state of florida is a class III felony. Well shit, my coworkers just told me they JUST got their notary licenses and a couple of them have been performing all the duties of a “notary” for in some cases up to five years.

Then it gets even better and my suspicions are confirmed when I discover since I have a TN drivers license I cannot be a notary in Florida. I ask my coworker again about this and he flags down my very jovial manager and he tells me not to worry. I can be a “fake notary”. HIS FUCKING WORDS. Like dude, I am not going to be fake fucking notary. Mind you.. this is a huge company dealing with title transfers on the daily. Am I wrong in assuming none of these title transfers made for the owners were legally binding?

I just want some answers, I'm not a lawyer, most of you probably aren't as well. I might have to post this to legaladvice or something. I pretty much ghosted them after that day and did not reply to any texts or calls as I do not want to be attached in any sort of way. What the fuck? Do I need to report this to someone? Anyone know how the fuck to even do that?

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