
A bit of venting

My boss just tried to ream me out for always working home office and never coming into the office. Says it's bad for the team spirit. She doesn't seem to be aware that my contract runs out by the end of the year. I have a half-time position, which doesn't quite pay the bills, and been asking for a full-time one for 15 months now, with no clear answer. Always saying “Yes, of course!” but not actually giving me the contract. Obviously, I've been looking for another job, and already have a new full-time position way closer to my home town secured. Does she really think I give a sh*t about the team spirit at this point? I'm never gonna see these people again, starting january. Apparently they've done similar stuff with other employees too. Giving them a new contract a whopping two weeks before the old one ran out.…

My boss just tried to ream me out for always working home office and never coming into the office. Says it's bad for the team spirit. She doesn't seem to be aware that my contract runs out by the end of the year. I have a half-time position, which doesn't quite pay the bills, and been asking for a full-time one for 15 months now, with no clear answer. Always saying “Yes, of course!” but not actually giving me the contract. Obviously, I've been looking for another job, and already have a new full-time position way closer to my home town secured. Does she really think I give a sh*t about the team spirit at this point? I'm never gonna see these people again, starting january.

Apparently they've done similar stuff with other employees too. Giving them a new contract a whopping two weeks before the old one ran out. Talk about job security. I'm not sure what game they're playing here, but I'm not playing it.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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