
A coworker came to my office and told me that our boss told him to terminate me and escort me out of the office! What would you do?

I was working hard in my office returning one a hundred emails that needed attention and planning for a number of meetings and corporate initiatives. I was swamped and working 60 hours a week. I was the Manager of Operations for a five hundred employee IT Consulting company. My boss and his boss were out of the office for the next few weeks. Suddenly, one of my coworkers- who was slightly higher than me in the organizational chart- came into my office and sat down. He told me that our boss had directed him to terminate me and escort me out of the office. First, I thought he was joking but he assured me that he was serious. At no time was I given any warning or had any indication that my boss was not happy with me. I was relatively new and had only worked there for nine months.…

I was working hard in my office returning one a hundred emails that needed attention and planning for a number of meetings and corporate initiatives. I was swamped and working 60 hours a week. I was the Manager of Operations for a five hundred employee IT Consulting company.

My boss and his boss were out of the office for the next few weeks. Suddenly, one of my coworkers- who was slightly higher than me in the organizational chart- came into my office and sat down. He told me that our boss had directed him to terminate me and escort me out of the office. First, I thought he was joking but he assured me that he was serious.

At no time was I given any warning or had any indication that my boss was not happy with me. I was relatively new and had only worked there for nine months. There was no way to get a hold of my boss or his manager.

My coworker told me that if I left quickly and did make a stink he would see that I got a months severance pay and the company would not fight my jobless claim. I asked him why I was being fired and he said something about not being a good fit.

The job kind of sucked and I did not like my boss or coworkers. So I left and never returned. As promised I got the one months severance pay. Plus was able to get jobless benefits. But it took me 7 months to find a job that had about the same pay and benefits.

What would you do? Did I make the right decision?

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