
A coworker keeps stealing my stuff at work

A couple months ago, I had left a Pyrex glass bowl in my work fridge, and accidentally forgot about it before I left work for the day. Next day I come in, I the glass bowl is gone, nobody knows what happened to it. Whatever. Then 2 days later after asking about it non stop, it randomly shows up, all washed and cleaned out when my lunch was in it. So not only did someone take my food, they brought it home and washed it in hopes of maybe stealing it. Fast forward to yesterday, I bring in lunch again and forget to take it home with me that day. Now today I come in, and the metal knife that I brought in from home that was in the same bag as my lunch is gone. The metal fork that was in the bag is still there, but the knife…

A couple months ago, I had left a Pyrex glass bowl in my work fridge, and accidentally forgot about it before I left work for the day. Next day I come in, I the glass bowl is gone, nobody knows what happened to it. Whatever. Then 2 days later after asking about it non stop, it randomly shows up, all washed and cleaned out when my lunch was in it. So not only did someone take my food, they brought it home and washed it in hopes of maybe stealing it. Fast forward to yesterday, I bring in lunch again and forget to take it home with me that day. Now today I come in, and the metal knife that I brought in from home that was in the same bag as my lunch is gone. The metal fork that was in the bag is still there, but the knife isn’t. No one knows where it is again. I have a great feeling I know who is doing this, as fellow coworkers have said in the past he has a reputation of stealing other peoples stuff, but how do I go about approaching the situation without proof and making an awkward situation about it? This whole thing seems ridiculous and I’m honestly at a loss of words of how low certain people will go. Thanks.

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