
A coworker pulled a knife on another coworker and my boss ain’t doing shit

I actually really like my boss. He gives us a lot of freedom compared to most people I've worked with, and I've been able to solve most problems oh my own. Last year when I'd first been promoted to shift lead someone wasn't behaving so I sent him home, and he assaulted me and got fired. This year we have a new problem employee. He brings a gun to work and has shown it to other shift leads, is known to be a member of a violent gang, and has gotten away with attacking another employee multiple times. Every time he gets on the phone and yells at my boss in Spanish and continues to show up. Everyone who works here is scared of him and it's damaging our entire work flow. Some of us are calling off constantly so we don't have to risk being around him, and my…

I actually really like my boss. He gives us a lot of freedom compared to most people I've worked with, and I've been able to solve most problems oh my own. Last year when I'd first been promoted to shift lead someone wasn't behaving so I sent him home, and he assaulted me and got fired.

This year we have a new problem employee. He brings a gun to work and has shown it to other shift leads, is known to be a member of a violent gang, and has gotten away with attacking another employee multiple times. Every time he gets on the phone and yells at my boss in Spanish and continues to show up. Everyone who works here is scared of him and it's damaging our entire work flow. Some of us are calling off constantly so we don't have to risk being around him, and my boss is getting mad at us for it.

I don't know if he's scared of this kid or what kind of dirt there is, but there is no fucking way in hell I'm getting shot over tacos.

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