
A coworker showed up two hours late.

Last night, I was supposed to get off work at 10 or 10:30 pm. One of my coworkers was scheduled to come in around that time. When he had not showed up by 10:30, I sent a text to the company group chat asking where he was. No response. I telephoned one of the supervisors. The coworker who was supposed to come in never called or texted, nothing, to let anyone know what time he would be there, and his phone was turned off, so I had to keep calling the manager's number again and again. So, he finally just waltzed in the door around midnight, and when I asked him why he was so late, he just said coldly, None of your business. So, I left, but once I had made preparations to leave, the manager told me that even if he had not showed up, if no one…

Last night, I was supposed to get off work at 10 or 10:30 pm. One of my coworkers was scheduled to come in around that time. When he had not showed up by 10:30, I sent a text to the company group chat asking where he was. No response. I telephoned one of the supervisors. The coworker who was supposed to come in never called or texted, nothing, to let anyone know what time he would be there, and his phone was turned off, so I had to keep calling the manager's number again and again.

So, he finally just waltzed in the door around midnight, and when I asked him why he was so late, he just said coldly, None of your business. So, I left, but once I had made preparations to leave, the manager told me that even if he had not showed up, if no one had showed up, I would have just had to suck it up and work a 16 hour shift, with no food and no sleep, because , according to her, I've had to cover for coworkers who did not call or show up 50 times over the course of a couple of years.

50 times????

I've worked at this company for about seven months, and yes, I know it is not normal for people to no call/no show that often, that she has had to cover for others 50 times, if that statement was true. I am now left wondering just what kind of dysfunctional company I have signed up for. My question is, should I just bow out gracefully, or no?

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