

I was told that my post belongs here so bare with me if my post doesn't sound like anti work. A day off work is the best thing in the world. Not making money for one day will be the best if your boss doesn't call you in for every day off. I, 25 female, worked as an assistant manager at an oil change place. I was just promoted to this position, and it was my first assistant manager job. Before I got promoted, we had just got a new GM, and this was his first GM position. The former assistant had quit before the new GM had been there for a week, so I was just the next person to be promoted. So as an assistant manager, I had the job of making schedules and making sure the shop ran smoothly alongside the GM. The GM, we will call…

I was told that my post belongs here so bare with me if my post doesn't sound like anti work.

A day off work is the best thing in the world. Not making money for one day will be the best if your boss doesn't call you in for every day off. I, 25 female, worked as an assistant manager at an oil change place. I was just promoted to this position, and it was my first assistant manager job. Before I got promoted, we had just got a new GM, and this was his first GM position. The former assistant had quit before the new GM had been there for a week, so I was just the next person to be promoted. So as an assistant manager, I had the job of making schedules and making sure the shop ran smoothly alongside the GM. The GM, we will call him Kevin. Kevin was mainly in his car sleeping, by his car smoking, or not being on camera much. Mind you, the GMs at this company are not on the clock, so he “can do what he wants.” Yes, he was still watching the shop to make sure we didn't mess up a car and such, but he will take a 2-hour lunch and then smoke for another hour. For the first month he was there, he made minor changes, like putting in a calendar so we could request days off and making the shop and office look pretty. So Kevin never did work on the floor for a month. So being the good assistant I could be, I did most of his job because that was my duty to be there when the GM couldn't.

Now that you have a background on what Kevin was doing let's get back to what happened. One day, I told Kevin that I would take a vacation and be out of state for four days. Kevin told me he would put it in as soon as he could. That was red flag number one. As an assistant manager, I am to make the schedule, but I have yet to make one since Kevin started. I had reminded Kevin 2 months before my vacation that I would be out of state. Kevin told me that he forgot to put in my vacation time and did it right before me and “put it in.” And stated he was unsure that he put in my request correctly since its first time as a GM with admin privileges.

Two weeks later, the DM came and visited us, and I told her about my vacation time and that Kevin “put it in,” and I wanted her to check if it was approved. She checked, and my request wasn't put in correctly. So she put it in and was approved immediately. Fast forward to the vacation, one of my shift leads called me and asked when I was returning because Kevin was doing his usual. I returned on a Monday, and Kevin denied anything that happened in the shop while I was on vacation. That was red flag two.

At this time, the schedule was made. Kevin's day off is Sunday and Thursday because the GM is not needed on those days, and my regular days off were Monday and Friday, but since I had the vacation, I was out Thursday and Friday. I had double-checked the schedule, and Kevin had put the other two knowledgeable people and me off on Thursday, and it is just Kevin and the two new guys on the schedule. So Thursday came around, and I went out of town to see a museum exhibit four hours away from town.

Once I arrived at my destination, Kevin called me and asked if I could go in because he had messed up the schedule. I told him that a day off is a day off so I will take advantage of it. Besides, I was 4 hours out of town. Then I hung up. After I got back in town and back to work, Kevin told me to make the schedule because I know everybody's schedule better than he does, and since then, I have made the schedules.

Edit: I had reported Kevin to the DM, and she put him on probation several times. He soon left the country to live with his girlfriend. I left the company soon after for a different pace of work that was manageable. The exhibit I visited was the Artemis Project for NASA.

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