
A diamond in the rough

I work in IT and in 2020, my company was bought out and the new manager wanted a 1-on-1 to discuss my salary. He stated a general rule, they push a 3% living wage increase yearly but they noticed my salary was lower than the industry average for my area. They bumped me to a near 6% increase. I was pleasently surprised and continued my work. 11 months later I found a near idententical job at a non-profit I love volunteering for. It was a slight pay drop. I was very excited about the opportunity to work in my field helping support this organization. The job I left was a great job, I was challenged to learn, and my coworkers were decent humans. I left excited about the new work and worked for them for 2 years when my wife and I decided I had done my part. I have…

I work in IT and in 2020, my company was bought out and the new manager wanted a 1-on-1 to discuss my salary. He stated a general rule, they push a 3% living wage increase yearly but they noticed my salary was lower than the industry average for my area. They bumped me to a near 6% increase. I was pleasently surprised and continued my work.

11 months later I found a near idententical job at a non-profit I love volunteering for. It was a slight pay drop. I was very excited about the opportunity to work in my field helping support this organization. The job I left was a great job, I was challenged to learn, and my coworkers were decent humans. I left excited about the new work and worked for them for 2 years when my wife and I decided I had done my part. I have been looking for a new job for a little while now and have not found many that were worth the application process.

I recieved a call early this week from my old boss asking if I was still at the non-profit. I confirmed but asked why he was asking. My old job opened back up. It seems the last person in the position was less than knowledgeable about certain areas of IT. He offered me my old job back with a “substantial” pay increase. Last time I had a “substantial” increase, it didnt cover the new health insurance costs. So, I asked what the actual dollar amount was. His response was “if you are interested, I can get you a dollar amount by the end of the week.”

Yesterday, he called me back and offered me a $45K increase in pay! The position didn't change. The requirements are the same. But the pay…

He even offered to push the start date back so I can ensure my current work isnt blind sided by my absence.

I am taking the job, obviously.

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