
A Friend Of A Friend Works For A Small Business. Recently Their Clients Have Been Complaining About A Lack of Communication And My Friend And Her Coworkers Have Been Complaining About A Lack Of Communication From Their Boss. His Response:

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation time than he has spent days at work so far this year, he locks himself in his office all day except for meetings, he leaves work without telling anyone why, he gives himself more days off for holidays than his employees get, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and makes his employees figure it all out, he makes his son work in the office but his son smells terrible all the time and he doesn't listen to any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas. He also purposefully picked the worst possible option for employer insurance that barely covers a thing. When multiple employees of his came to him to voice their concerns about all of this, he just lied to their faces and claimed none of it was happening and they were…

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation time than he has spent days at work so far this year, he locks himself in his office all day except for meetings, he leaves work without telling anyone why, he gives himself more days off for holidays than his employees get, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and makes his employees figure it all out, he makes his son work in the office but his son smells terrible all the time and he doesn't listen to any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas. He also purposefully picked the worst possible option for employer insurance that barely covers a thing. When multiple employees of his came to him to voice their concerns about all of this, he just lied to their faces and claimed none of it was happening and they were all wrong, then he deleted his calendar so they couldn't track his vacation time anymore because he was embarrassed he got caught taking more time off from work than time actually coming in to work. He also refuses to hire anyone who isn't a Christian. In that vein, he tried to refuse to put someone's spouse on their insurance plan because they didn't get married in a church by a pastor. He denies all of this despite everyone who works there knowing exactly what's going on. They all just pretend to like him even though he's a complete jackass who wastes huge amounts of money on fancy furniture and arcade cabinets that nobody uses or cares about. Oh, and he makes all of his employees come in to an office despite all of them working on computers in different rooms of the building and they all only communicate through Slack, meaning they could all do their jobs from home. He's possibly the most cartoonishly lazy, stupid and mean boss ever and I lobe hearing new stories about him.

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