
A Friend Of A Friend Works For A Small Business. Recently Their Clients Have Been Complaining About A Lack of Communication. My Friend’s Friend And Her Coworkers Have Been Complaining About A Lack Of Communication From Their Boss As Well. His Response:

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation days this year than he has spent days working, he leaves work without telling anyone all the time, he gives himself more days off for holidays than he gives his employees, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and then makes his employees figure it out. He refuses to entertain any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas get considered by him. He purposefully picked the cheapest insurance available and it barely covers a thing. When multiple employees came to him to voice their concerns about these things, he denied any of it happened and then deleted his calendar so they couldn't track his vacation time anymore because he was embarrassed he got caught. He makes his son work at the company but his son doesn't shower so nobody wants to work around him.…

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation days this year than he has spent days working, he leaves work without telling anyone all the time, he gives himself more days off for holidays than he gives his employees, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and then makes his employees figure it out. He refuses to entertain any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas get considered by him. He purposefully picked the cheapest insurance available and it barely covers a thing. When multiple employees came to him to voice their concerns about these things, he denied any of it happened and then deleted his calendar so they couldn't track his vacation time anymore because he was embarrassed he got caught. He makes his son work at the company but his son doesn't shower so nobody wants to work around him. He wastes huge amounts of money on fancy furniture and arcade cabinets that no one uses or cares about. He shorted someone on a check once and waited two weeks to fix it. I could go on and on.

He refuses to hire anyone who isn't a Christian and even tried to refuse to put someone's spouse on their insurance because they didn't get married in a church by a pastor. When he was told these things were illegal he just shrugged.

He denies all of this stuff happens despite all of his employees knowing all about it. They all hate him but pretend otherwise when he's around. He's the epitome of a lazy, stupid, rude, sexist boss who takes and takes and gives as little as possible. He takes huge amounts of the profit for himself and pays his employees below industry standards despite being able to afford paying them more if he didn't pad his own salary.

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