
A funny but sad story

About a year or two ago, I used to work in a massive factory. It was in this huge building with a Walmart section, a target section, etc. I worked in one of the many departments. One day, I walked into work and I noticed that a whole section of the building that was usually loud, was all of a sudden dead silent. I had asked a friend what was happening since his girlfriend worked in that section, and apparently they had went on strike. That department had a lot of Latino workers and apparently the manager had made some derogatory comments and told them to go back to their country. In response, they organized a strike and refused to come into work. The next day, the HR team typed up some bullshit and taped it on various doors that workers see. The funny-ish part, is that HR asked the…

About a year or two ago, I used to work in a massive factory. It was in this huge building with a Walmart section, a target section, etc. I worked in one of the many departments. One day, I walked into work and I noticed that a whole section of the building that was usually loud, was all of a sudden dead silent. I had asked a friend what was happening since his girlfriend worked in that section, and apparently they had went on strike. That department had a lot of Latino workers and apparently the manager had made some derogatory comments and told them to go back to their country. In response, they organized a strike and refused to come into work. The next day, the HR team typed up some bullshit and taped it on various doors that workers see. The funny-ish part, is that HR asked the manager if he had said anything, and he obviously denied it. Instead of siding with an entire department quitting and firing one racist manager, they opted to fire the entire department and replace them instead. About or week or two later, everything was back to business as usual and everybody forgot it even happened.

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