
A list of seemingly insignificant things that would make me need to call off/leave early

I have a pneumothorax which never properly healed and it’s very sensitive and easily reopened. Here’s a list of everyday things that cause me to have to miss work Coughing or sneezing too hard ONCE: it causes pressure in my chest and even accidentally choking on a sip of water can put me out of commission the rest of the day Cold weather: denser air makes it harder to breathe making any chest issues worse that particular day Extra humidity: more moisture in the air makes breathing harder Walking past someone who’s smoking: even one second of breathing in tobacco smoke causes me to be unable to do anything for at least a day. Lifting something over 30lbs: extra strain on my body. No reason at all: sometimes it opens without any obvious causes. As someone who walks to work most days it’s possible to encounter each of these things…

I have a pneumothorax which never properly healed and it’s very sensitive and easily reopened. Here’s a list of everyday things that cause me to have to miss work

Coughing or sneezing too hard ONCE: it causes pressure in my chest and even accidentally choking on a sip of water can put me out of commission the rest of the day

Cold weather: denser air makes it harder to breathe making any chest issues worse that particular day

Extra humidity: more moisture in the air makes breathing harder

Walking past someone who’s smoking: even one second of breathing in tobacco smoke causes me to be unable to do anything for at least a day.

Lifting something over 30lbs: extra strain on my body.

No reason at all: sometimes it opens without any obvious causes.

As someone who walks to work most days it’s possible to encounter each of these things on the way to work meaning last minute call offs are an unavoidable part of living with this health condition. I can’t do anything about it and I’ll likely be fired soon since I’m unable to get the proper rest I need to recover.

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