
A little Advice Please..

I hate the work world and their 40 hour bollocks to begin with. Job i have now is not great by any means.. begun looking for new. Found this job ad.. on their website is said 80,000-130,000. Seemed pretty too good to be true. Went for interview. It was. Got low balled basically and which means their ad is complete bollocks. Go figure. Got offered two dollars more than what I'm making now for way more physical labor. Thing is.. contact was made today if interest is still present. Don't know how to response because I wouldn't mind having this place as a back up incase I do need it at some point so I don't really want to burn the bridge.. Any insight as to how i should respond?

I hate the work world and their 40 hour bollocks to begin with. Job i have now is not great by any means.. begun looking for new.

Found this job ad.. on their website is said 80,000-130,000.

Seemed pretty too good to be true.

Went for interview. It was. Got low balled basically and which means their ad is complete bollocks. Go figure. Got offered two dollars more than what I'm making now for way more physical labor.

Thing is.. contact was made today if interest is still present. Don't know how to response because I wouldn't mind having this place as a back up incase I do need it at some point so I don't really want to burn the bridge..

Any insight as to how i should respond?

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