
A “performance improvement goal” is to take less PTO

Idk if this is even legal but I just got off a probationary period review meeting and they said I've taken too much PTO. I've been in the position about 4 months and honestly haven't taken that much time. I've called out 3 days total due to illness and taken time otherwise for actual doctors appointments. I've brought documentation for the appointments every time and my supervisor signed off on all of them. At the probation review today my supervisor's boss said that I've taken too much time off for being there only a short while and it's unsustainable. She even put it on my probation review to improve attendance. After the meeting my supervisor told me to try and get FMLA so they can't get mad at me but I feel like I should not have to do that to attend sporadic doctors appointments. Has anyone experienced something like…

Idk if this is even legal but I just got off a probationary period review meeting and they said I've taken too much PTO. I've been in the position about 4 months and honestly haven't taken that much time. I've called out 3 days total due to illness and taken time otherwise for actual doctors appointments. I've brought documentation for the appointments every time and my supervisor signed off on all of them. At the probation review today my supervisor's boss said that I've taken too much time off for being there only a short while and it's unsustainable. She even put it on my probation review to improve attendance. After the meeting my supervisor told me to try and get FMLA so they can't get mad at me but I feel like I should not have to do that to attend sporadic doctors appointments. Has anyone experienced something like this and how did you handle it? I asked my doctor to sign the FMLA form but I'm just stunned that they came down on me for this when all my PTO is approved, I provide documentation, and I'm not behind on my work at all.

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