
a Real Person now…

I actually like my jobs (workers of the world unite) and they both suit my interests, my schedule and responsibilities (two independent gigs while being a stay at home parent). But one is intermittent and the other is stable but brand new. Now that the new, stable one is stable and I can finally say “What I Do” when asked, people treat me with more respect… I am treated like I have value now… It's awful because I see the hypocrisy. If laboring gives a person new purpose and shakes them out of a stagnate funk, sure… the attitude change might be a net positive, and people might respond to the difference. But that's not the case with me. Being a stay at home parent is WORK, but has never been enough of an answer for others… and the many things I do around town (helping others, etc) keeps me…

I actually like my jobs (workers of the world unite) and they both suit my interests, my schedule and responsibilities (two independent gigs while being a stay at home parent).

But one is intermittent and the other is stable but brand new.

Now that the new, stable one is stable and I can finally say “What I Do” when asked, people treat me with more respect… I am treated like I have value now… It's awful because I see the hypocrisy.

If laboring gives a person new purpose and shakes them out of a stagnate funk, sure… the attitude change might be a net positive, and people might respond to the difference. But that's not the case with me.

Being a stay at home parent is WORK, but has never been enough of an answer for others… and the many things I do around town (helping others, etc) keeps me engaged and keeps me sans-funk, but has also never been enough to answer “So, What Do You Do?”

But now that I earn money (and not very much), people brighten up. Hell, I use to do this stuff for free as a hobby and was passionate about the work, but now that I earn a buck from it, now that I can slap a benji on the table from time to time… R-E-S-P-E-C-T

I found out what it means to: Them.

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