
A school principle treated me (37m ) like a child.

I put in my resignation today at a school I work at so I can work in a different school. I work as custodial staff at this establishment and I am constantly praised by both teachers, students, and other staff. Which is nice and I at least know I am doing well because of this feedback. During my evaluation, I was 100% doing within guidelines and was told to keep up the good work. Now fast forward to today. I was helping a new employee to get herself situated for her first day. I even offered to put in extra hours to help her with the permission of my boss. Everything was going smoothly and she is an older individual so she doesn’t move as quickly. Which is fine. He starts his warpath by seeing me help her.. which I had permission already to do by a different principle. That…

I put in my resignation today at a school I work at so I can work in a different school.

I work as custodial staff at this establishment and I am constantly praised by both teachers, students, and other staff. Which is nice and I at least know I am doing well because of this feedback.

During my evaluation, I was 100% doing within guidelines and was told to keep up the good work.

Now fast forward to today.

I was helping a new employee to get herself situated for her first day. I even offered to put in extra hours to help her with the permission of my boss. Everything was going smoothly and she is an older individual so she doesn’t move as quickly. Which is fine.

He starts his warpath by seeing me help her.. which I had permission already to do by a different principle. That was the point to me picking up extra hours.

He states she knows what she’s doing and she doesn’t need help. When I explained its her first day and she’s never cleaned this school before, he blows me off and says I could be doing things more productive with my time.

He then asks me what I have completed and I tell him in an itemized fashion what I have done.

He dismisses me from his office and you would think that was the end of it.


Instead he is spotted in the hallway a few moments later staring at the glass doors.

I unfortunately have to go this direction because it is where my mop closet is.

He asks me if I did the glass. I agree. He then goes on about how bad it looks and if I used a squeegee. I agree. He states to throw it away and that the glass needs redone. The squeegee is new, and it doesn’t leave streaks!

I say I will fix it. Then he goes and states he is going to check my other work.

I already see where this is going because he was so picky about my glass.

So he comes back and with his finger beckons me like I am a child and says “So you said you cleaned these rooms, right?”

I agree.

He goes up to the corners of each room which are not bad at all and see little particles and smears them around.

“Doesn’t look clean.”

And I sweep and mop clean these corners. I mean they’re not going to be so clean a person can eat off them! But this was the direction he was going.

I then said “I will do better.”

He shakes his head after some long awkward silence.

Me I am keeping my mouth shut because I am getting beyond angry but I have to remain calm with a smile on my face.

The overall looks he gave were smug and the tone he used was condescending.

He said if I don’t do better in a week, I’m gone.

This part of the school gets extremely filthy and I have been told by others I do a fine job.

But this guy is one of the much higher principles, so he can overstep the others who praise me.

I put in my letter to terminate my contract with the school on Friday.

I didn’t give them two weeks, but I gave a week.. the time he set.. and I will not be there so now he will have dirtier rooms to deal with than what I was supposedly not doing.

And he wonders why they can’t keep staff in that area long. Hmmm. Could be YOU perhaps?

Edit: typos

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