
A shift in employee/employer relations

As the working class we need to amend the stance employers are treated with. They wanna fight tooth and nail to keep wages oppressed while they boast about their record profits. Then it's time we give them what they pay for. If the wage provided to you by your employer does not cover the cost of necessities where you live, (rent + utilities + electric + average cost of a months supply of groceries + insurances in all legally required forms + phone, as they'll demand to be able to reach you + transportation) then they are not worthy of the gratitude and respect a good job deserves. Businesses have stuck by the phrase “you get what you pay for” then they should be treated with the same regard. If a job does not provide those things which are required for you to even be able to get to work…

As the working class we need to amend the stance employers are treated with.

They wanna fight tooth and nail to keep wages oppressed while they boast about their record profits. Then it's time we give them what they pay for.

If the wage provided to you by your employer does not cover the cost of necessities where you live, (rent + utilities + electric + average cost of a months supply of groceries + insurances in all legally required forms + phone, as they'll demand to be able to reach you + transportation) then they are not worthy of the gratitude and respect a good job deserves.

Businesses have stuck by the phrase “you get what you pay for” then they should be treated with the same regard. If a job does not provide those things which are required for you to even be able to get to work on the first place, then they get to be grateful you even clock in, in the first place. No more can we take the stance “at least they're paying you, at least you have a job” because in the face of that you make the company hundreds of thousands of dollars just counting you each year. Those hundreds of thousands of dollars you bring in, go to people who don't bring in a penny in to the business and yet they determine how much the individuals actually bringing in the money should make?

They have forgotten who does the actual work that pays their wage in the first place. They need to be reminded.

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