
A sick day is a day off, don’t bother me unless shits on fire.

I work in an office so me being out a day isn't that big of a deal. Especially since I had no meetings today. An hour before I was supposed to be in I texted in that I wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be in. I get a hope you are feeling better text a few hours later. Then in the afternoon I get a text to call him about something I don't support. The text seemed out of place, not his normal way of communication. I wait a few hours then call him back. Turns out he sent that to me by mistake. He then took the opportunity to mention me being off today like it's an inconvenience and in a weird way remind me what day of the week it was. He asked me to look at an email and told him I would tomorrow when I'm in.…

I work in an office so me being out a day isn't that big of a deal. Especially since I had no meetings today.

An hour before I was supposed to be in I texted in that I wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be in.

I get a hope you are feeling better text a few hours later.

Then in the afternoon I get a text to call him about something I don't support. The text seemed out of place, not his normal way of communication. I wait a few hours then call him back. Turns out he sent that to me by mistake.

He then took the opportunity to mention me being off today like it's an inconvenience and in a weird way remind me what day of the week it was.

He asked me to look at an email and told him I would tomorrow when I'm in.

I'm fortunate to have sick days.

I joked with someone at work the only times I take sick days is when I'm sick of this place. I don't abuse my sick days but I do take a few mental health days here and there.

Though under a previous boss I took 2 weeks off with a doctor's note. Other than that, I try to take my sick days when it doesn't inconvenience the organization but I do take them last minute. I can't predict when I'm going to get a cold, I can't predict when I need it for my mental health.

When he texted me, I was trying to find a local vet for an at home euthanasia. I stayed home today because I've been stressing about my 15 year old lab and her declining health. Spending an extra day at home with her, I realized it's time.

Seeing the text and then having the call we did, aggravates me.

I told him I would likely be in tomorrow. I didn't tell him I'm taking Friday off as that's when the appointment is. I would like to take the next two days but it'd be against policy without a doctor's note.

Don't bother me if I'm not working.

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