
A society where everyone works at night?

I was thinking about how a major part of the dread I have for working comes from the fact ones works hours dictate the time they wake up. Unless you choose to wake up very early habitually, having a bad night and not getting enough sleep/ over sleeping sets up your entire day for failure. Currently we have a work culture of wake up-> work-> discretionary time -> sleep. Attempting to have a rich social life means you very well may compromise your sleep. The discretionary time as is poses a liability to your sleep, regardless of the activity, simply by the way your day is structured. Lack of sleep is really shitty, for numerous reasons, so what if society as a mainstream decided to adopt a structure like such: Wake up-> discretionary time -> work -> sleep. This is already the case for people that work night shifts, but…

I was thinking about how a major part of the dread I have for working comes from the fact ones works hours dictate the time they wake up. Unless you choose to wake up very early habitually, having a bad night and not getting enough sleep/ over sleeping sets up your entire day for failure.

Currently we have a work culture of wake up-> work-> discretionary time -> sleep. Attempting to have a rich social life means you very well may compromise your sleep. The discretionary time as is poses a liability to your sleep, regardless of the activity, simply by the way your day is structured.

Lack of sleep is really shitty, for numerous reasons, so what if society as a mainstream decided to adopt a structure like such:
Wake up-> discretionary time -> work -> sleep.

This is already the case for people that work night shifts, but since the majority of society works day shits the sort of activities like socializing and events that take place are sparse. However if it was typical for people to work night shifts instead, I feel that a major component of stress that comes with work would be alleviated.

Grogginess wouldn’t be proceeded by immediately hast, rushing to get ready and immediately working. Sleeping in would become more viable as a way to take care of one’s self, since you’d only lose discretionary time voluntarily. And the activities that take place prior to sleeping would be such that it’d promote restfulness, you’re doing laborious and draining work not stimulating things like movies/shows and typical nightlife activities.

This was just something I was day dreaming about, I would personally love to live in such a society. Your thoughts are appreciated

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