
A story of how I left my 2nd job

I'm 17f and I used to work at an ice cream stand when i was 15. I have hearing aids in both ears and can sometimes struggle to hear a conversation if someone else is screaming and on the day this took place my only other coworker was almost entirely deaf and one of my hearing aids had died during the shift. Well one day I'm at work and I'm ringing up customers and this one lady comes up with a kid who looks around 6-7 years old and the kid is screaming about wanting ice cream. This kid wasn't just being noisy they were screaming at the too of his lungs and I could barely here the mother. I politely asked if she could have him stop screaming so that I could hear her order. Well a week later I see that I'm not on the schedule at all…

I'm 17f and I used to work at an ice cream stand when i was 15. I have hearing aids in both ears and can sometimes struggle to hear a conversation if someone else is screaming and on the day this took place my only other coworker was almost entirely deaf and one of my hearing aids had died during the shift.

Well one day I'm at work and I'm ringing up customers and this one lady comes up with a kid who looks around 6-7 years old and the kid is screaming about wanting ice cream. This kid wasn't just being noisy they were screaming at the too of his lungs and I could barely here the mother. I politely asked if she could have him stop screaming so that I could hear her order.

Well a week later I see that I'm not on the schedule at all for at least 3 weeks and I was confused since I hadn't been told anything about me not working there. I call my manager and she told me that she'd explain it in a week.

I suffer severe anxiety issues so this was genuine hell. I show up at the requested time and she pushes it back another week. This goes on for awhile as im looking for a new job cuz idk if I was fired or what buti finally got the meeting and it was complete bullshit.

Apparently that lady had complained to the manager that I had told her to “make her baby shut up” and Apparently told the manager her son was a crying infant. She also accused me of insulting her which was absolutely not true since I'm one of the least confrontational people you'll ever meet and I hate being the reason anyone gets upset.

So my manager immediately took the customers side without getting both sides of the story and decided to write me up and take me off the schedule. She made me wait weeks just to know if I still had a job or not and it was all because one customer decided to lie about me and make me seem terrible even though I've been told by the manager that I'm one of the sweetest people shes ever hired and that I have exceptional customer service skills.

She told me I should have had the other coworker help me understand what the lady was ordering seeming to forget my shitty hearing was still better than theirs and I really couldn't do much to make it better.

The amount of anxiety I felt in the weeks leading up to this just to find out how absolutely stupid everything about the situation was made me so angry I told her not to bother putting me on the schedule and that I was quitting.

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