
A Unique Public Bus Driver Issue

This morning I got to work (public school bus driver) and because of the way our buses work, the door that opens for the kids is not locked or really all that secure at night. Because of this and where I live, the bus lot has a raccoon problem where they get on the buses at night to check for food and scavenge and we are all meant to basically just accept this as a fact of life. This morning I was greeted with a large pile of racoon shit on my seat of the bus I drive. Now I have a finite amount of time to prep my bus so I had to clean the seat as best I could before throwing a trash bag on it because I sure as hell wasn't sitting in racoon shit. I get done with my first shift, write up the issue and…

This morning I got to work (public school bus driver) and because of the way our buses work, the door that opens for the kids is not locked or really all that secure at night. Because of this and where I live, the bus lot has a raccoon problem where they get on the buses at night to check for food and scavenge and we are all meant to basically just accept this as a fact of life. This morning I was greeted with a large pile of racoon shit on my seat of the bus I drive. Now I have a finite amount of time to prep my bus so I had to clean the seat as best I could before throwing a trash bag on it because I sure as hell wasn't sitting in racoon shit.
I get done with my first shift, write up the issue and submit it only to be greeted with the same soiled seat this afternoon. Now I do not like this place due to some history as it is I have with it, but this is ridiculous as it HAS to be some kind of health hazard. Wtf am I supposed to do? We have a maintenance department that's supposed to deal with issues like this. I already have taken steps to stop it from happening again but this clearly needs to be addressed.

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