

I am so stressed, and work has ruined me even outside of work. When I work in the morning I stress before I go to bed because I NEED to sleep or else I'll either be late or tired at work. And when I work in the evening I stress all day, thinking about how I have to be ready for work later. Even on my off days, when I look at the clock, I basically have PTSD and think, “Oh I need to get back from my break!” Before remembering that I'm not even at work. I don't even have THAT bad of a job, and yet it still drains the life out of me. The threat of ending up without a job, not even making enough to have anything saved in the bank is too much. I don't know how I'm supposed to get a job I enjoy…

I am so stressed, and work has ruined me even outside of work. When I work in the morning I stress before I go to bed because I NEED to sleep or else I'll either be late or tired at work. And when I work in the evening I stress all day, thinking about how I have to be ready for work later. Even on my off days, when I look at the clock, I basically have PTSD and think, “Oh I need to get back from my break!” Before remembering that I'm not even at work.

I don't even have THAT bad of a job, and yet it still drains the life out of me. The threat of ending up without a job, not even making enough to have anything saved in the bank is too much. I don't know how I'm supposed to get a job I enjoy that pays well. And I'm pretty sure if I ever go back to school/college/uni I will maybe end my existense because I don't like those even more.

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