
Abandoned my job because they overworked me, didn’t trust me, and wouldn’t hire anyone new.

Quick acknowledgment that I am using talk to text, and I apologize for the minor grammar mistakes, I hope this is readable. And let me tell you I feel better. No joke I was burnt the hell out. If you don’t want to read my massive vent, I’d like to at least have you read this part. If a job is working you more than you can handle, fuck what they think, fuck it if they think that you’re lazy or that you’re not a hard worker, because they are not walking in your shoes, they do not know what you go through or how your body works or how your mind works, and even if they think that they’re not overworking you, and that you should be capable of doing what they expect of you, if you know deep down, it’s too much for you, or that it’s just…

Quick acknowledgment that I am using talk to text, and I apologize for the minor grammar mistakes, I hope this is readable.

And let me tell you I feel better.

No joke I was burnt the hell out.

If you don’t want to read my massive vent, I’d like to at least have you read this part. If a job is working you more than you can handle, fuck what they think, fuck it if they think that you’re lazy or that you’re not a hard worker, because they are not walking in your shoes, they do not know what you go through or how your body works or how your mind works, and even if they think that they’re not overworking you, and that you should be capable of doing what they expect of you, if you know deep down, it’s too much for you, or that it’s just not the right place for you, please, please, please do what’s best for you and find something that does work as soon as possible. We all have to work, in order to survive , and we should be accommodated with our ability to do so.

I started DoorDash again because I’ve had an account since I was like 18 and I’ve been making double the money from this job in half the time, with significantly less physical labor.

Couple things , couple reasons I quit

Main reason being because I was baking bread at a grocery store, right? This wasn’t exactly a popular grocery store in my area. So most of the bread I made didn’t get sold and literally got thrown out at expiration (which was like, 3 days after making it). OK so my schedules were at 5:30 AM, and I was the only bread person. This left me working four days in a row, one day off, four more days, one day off, four more days one day off you get the point. Most of my coworkers on the other side of the bakery had a much more stretched out schedule, mainly because there were more than one person to do that part of the job, so they were able to schedule them to where people didn’t have to work a ton of days in a row. But for me, they wouldn’t hire any more people to do bread. They hire more people for the other side of the bakery, even though they already had people, but no one was going out of their way to find anyone else to do bread.
They even hired someone who said they loved doing the bread but they put that person on the other side.

I have chronic pain, and bipolar, and let me tell you this job was not helping either of those disabilities. In regards to pain, the amount of heavy boxes of frozen dough I had to pick up and put down throughout the day was too much for my hips. The job itself I could do easily, but the side stuff like boxes was an issue. The hours were probably the worst for my bipolar, because I can get easily burnt out and depressed, probably more than a typical person who doesn’t have reoccurring depresssion from bipolar.

On my off days, no one would do shit. So when I finally returned from my one unfulfilling off day, I have to pick up the slack that everyone left behind when I wasn’t there, and it basically doubled my workload for the day.

One of the little things that wasn’t really quit worthy but irritating is that they would tell me to make, for example, the pies, one of each pie, and then once that pie sold, my manager would come up to me accusatory asking if I forgot to make it, I’d say no, it just got sold, and she told me I need to make another one. Conveniently this always happened when I was almost done with my work load for the day and about to take my break or leave. And the pies come frozen and would’ve taken like 30 minutes to cook. I did not like how She always assumed that I forgot it, and I didn’t like how they plan for a certain amount of product that resulted in me having to make more later when if they want one pie on the shelf at all times, they should have been making more than one pie. If I were to make more of anything than what’s on the plan sheet, they also would have called me out for that.

My manager was also very untrustworthy of certain employees that she just didn’t like honestly. I heard her accuse other employees of lying when they said they were sick. She always assumed that I had intentionally skipped over things that I forgot. She also likes to give herself plenty of off days, any days she needs off she got off, but that was not the case for other employees, who often got schedule on their requested off days or unavailable days.

Part of the reason I quit when I did it because I was informed that the holidays get extremely busy. Basically, from what I understood my workload was going to be doubled. They’re also open on thanksgiving. I live out of state for my family and I don’t get to see them often. I haven’t been to Thanksgiving in years and this was the year that I finally wanted to return, and I just knew that I was going to be scheduled on Thanksgiving so I quit before that happened, and I also quit before Christmas because she said it gets very busy and we have to make extra stuff then, and well, realistically, if the job is stressing me out as much as it was already, it was about to get 10 times worse when the workload doubled. I also have a trip I’ve had planned since last year for Christmas Eve. And a friend is relying on me to make it to these plans because she’s the one who invited me and I agreed to drive. The plans are out of state and I highly doubt I was going to have Christmas Eve off because I’m the only person who makes bread, and bread is extremely busy during the holidays. Plus, I was already used to my manager ignoring people’s requested off days so it’s sort of had me thinking I probably wasn’t going to be scheduled off on Christmas Eve.

This has to be the last thing I can think of, but when I first started, I tried being social with my manager, asking her how she’s doing, saying good morning, etc. She would either completely ignore me, like not even look at me, or if she did answer, it was extremely short.

For example, she went on vacation, and I asked her where she went, she said “the mountains.”
Later on that day, another coworker asked her where she went, and she starts responding with a detailed enthusiastic answer.

The reason this bothers me the most is because this manager told other employees that I wasn’t very social and I didn’t talk to people very much. When the reality is, I tried socializing with her and she was rude and disinterested so I stopped. It just irritated me that she tried to define me to others based on how she had treated me basically. If she really couldn’t see that I tried to be social with her and she was rude then I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do. Long story short, I don’t think working with someone who dislikes you and ignores you and labels you as not social is a healthy working environment.

Edit to add: I forgot the last thing. I finally set boundaries w my schedule and put 2 unavailability days in place to where it would be impossible for them to schedule me 4 days in a row and once I did this, my hours got cut down almost half. I couldn’t live off of 24 hours. I was working about 35 before (needed full time to survive but they ofc didn’t wanna put me at full time). And then I made a small comment about “I kind of wish I could come in early some days at 430 instead to get done faster” and my manager changed my entire schedule to 430s which honestly felt petty bcuz I never said I wanted 430AM schedules, I just said I “kind of wish” and I feel like there should have been more communication. If it were any good manager, I’d assume they were trying to be helpful but it was hard not to assume pettiness w this manager.

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