
Abolishment of work and Capitalism.

The only way that we can effectively abolish the necessity of human labour is by utilizing the automated means of production for the common good. It's simple: The machines can do the work for us so we don't have to. But there's a catch: If the means of production are owned by the handful of rich company owners (capitalists), The automation only benefits their own profit. In past decades the productivity of labour was increased and what required 8 hours of work can now be done in 6. But we still work for 8 hours a day, it's just that the company owners profit more from the increased productivity of our labour. In this system if you somehow doubled the productivity of labour over night, we'd not work for 4 hours a day, we'd still have to work for 8 but our boss would make twice as much profit from…

The only way that we can effectively abolish the necessity of human labour is by utilizing the automated means of production for the common good.

It's simple: The machines can do the work for us so we don't have to.

But there's a catch: If the means of production are owned by the handful of rich company owners (capitalists), The automation only benefits their own profit.

In past decades the productivity of labour was increased and what required 8 hours of work can now be done in 6.

But we still work for 8 hours a day, it's just that the company owners profit more from the increased productivity of our labour.

In this system if you somehow doubled the productivity of labour over night, we'd not work for 4 hours a day, we'd still have to work for 8 but our boss would make twice as much profit from it.

It's not a wild fu*king guess, it already happened but gradually.

If we ever want to abolish the necessity of labour, we first need to replace the capitalist system with a better one where the common folk like the majority of us can benefit from the automation.

Or simply: Capitalism has to go. The means of production should be owned by the people.

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