
About to hand in notice, feeling very confused and deflated

Hey guys So very long story short, I got into my field (AML, Finance) about 5 years ago. Started with a very busy role and stayed there for about 2 years. I would consider myself a hard worker but this place worked me to the bone and I just got so tired of the constant overtime. I left and since then I have worked in roles where its been very quiet, too quiet. I moved to another fund admin in late 2020 when covid happened and I mean, if I got an hours work a day I would be lucky. Days spent with a glass on my space bar because there was legit no work for the team. I got so tired of being bored with nothing to do I started looking for jobs and eventually moved into Fintech, Meta. I worked there remote for about a year before being…

Hey guys

So very long story short, I got into my field (AML, Finance) about 5 years ago. Started with a very busy role and stayed there for about 2 years. I would consider myself a hard worker but this place worked me to the bone and I just got so tired of the constant overtime. I left and since then I have worked in roles where its been very quiet, too quiet.

I moved to another fund admin in late 2020 when covid happened and I mean, if I got an hours work a day I would be lucky. Days spent with a glass on my space bar because there was legit no work for the team. I got so tired of being bored with nothing to do I started looking for jobs and eventually moved into Fintech, Meta. I worked there remote for about a year before being laid off. Same setup, arguably worse. Basically an hour a day work and the rest just sitting around at home. Better benefits etc and I had the luxury of telling people I worked for a massive company and thought I'd be there for years.

I ended up getting laid off back in February (not the most amazing situation but I was fine in the end, I see it as a positive) and I landed a new role pretty quick and started it back in April. The role wasn't what was advertised to me at all, I thought it was management experience but it was a bog standard admin role (with a very competitive salary, so I didn't care in the end) But I went with this over anothee job offer I got with Coinbase, which was a bigger risk and more pay, but I went with my current one due to job security. A week after starting I found out the role was only a temp role for a year and was actually maternity cover.

I was assured it would go to permenant but I just felt duped. The job absolutely sucks and tbh, my mental health has taken a dip. The place is run incredibly poorly, I've had a mountain of pointless, stupid work that even my boss was apologetic about (basically was put in charge of a very complex fund with zero training). Even my boss hates the place, as do most of my colleagues. I initially enjoyed being in the office 2 days a week but they moved people around and one of the days I am in I literally don't speak a single word out loud all day. I have worked remote at home and spend my whole work day day by myself at home and it's nowhere near as lonely as when I am in there.

Fast forward to now, I managed to get another Fintech role which is 100% remote, starting late next month. I only have to give 2 weeks notice to my current employer which is very unusual for Ireland but hey, not complaining.

Only thing is I don't know how to feel. I'm taking a sick week next week because I am just super stressed and legitimately sick (I'd normally just request to work remote for the full week, but I really need to step away). I plan to hand my notice in the week after next, work the 2 weeks and then take a few weeks break before I start my new job but honestly, I don't even feel excited. I'm mentally fried, even taking next week off just filled me with dread and I don't know why. I'd much rather give a full months notice and just tell them ASAP so they just knew I was leaving. I'd hand my notice in now, but I don't want to end up having a load of time between jobs and be short on money at the end of October when I would get a tiny payslip.

Anyone have any idea what's wrong with me? Am I being silly or has something caught up with me? I just feel like this situation is black and white and I am chucking colours at it.

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