
About to hand in two weeks notice

After only three months, I am already disgusted by the collections job I have at a southern furniture store. They demand things that are just not possible (ie getting people on fixed incomes to make a payment days if not weeks before they get their check) and expect us to call demanding payment from people who are either in it recently released from the hospital or are dealing with the loss of a loved one. When I was hired for this position I was told that is was primarily a bookkeeping/cashier job, not a scummy debt collection job. Oh, and the kicker? They pay state minimum wage and will write people up for even one minute of OT yet expect us to perform work both before and after our scheduled hours. I already have a job lined up with ft hours that pays $15/hr, which is a $4/hr raise

After only three months, I am already disgusted by the collections job I have at a southern furniture store. They demand things that are just not possible (ie getting people on fixed incomes to make a payment days if not weeks before they get their check) and expect us to call demanding payment from people who are either in it recently released from the hospital or are dealing with the loss of a loved one.

When I was hired for this position I was told that is was primarily a bookkeeping/cashier job, not a scummy debt collection job.

Oh, and the kicker? They pay state minimum wage and will write people up for even one minute of OT yet expect us to perform work both before and after our scheduled hours.

I already have a job lined up with ft hours that pays $15/hr, which is a $4/hr raise

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