
Absolutely Exhausted

Since the world is on fire, I've been desperately trying to find another, higher paying job. I have a very extensive resume that includes managerial work and I have a college degree. Means absolutely nothing now, but hey. My current job is a set schedule (always), good health/dental/vision, and I am now contributing to a retirement plan. I have optional overtime. I don't have children and a retirement plan is one of the only chances I have at a semi-stable future in my old age. The pay is garbage. I only make $11. I finally got a job offer with a company I've wanted to work for and it would be a minimum $5 pay increase plus additional, fancy benefits. Found out today, before my interview, they don't ever hire in at full time. Most people have to wait years to receive full time. Some weeks are 20 hours and…

Since the world is on fire, I've been desperately trying to find another, higher paying job. I have a very extensive resume that includes managerial work and I have a college degree. Means absolutely nothing now, but hey.

My current job is a set schedule (always), good health/dental/vision, and I am now contributing to a retirement plan. I have optional overtime. I don't have children and a retirement plan is one of the only chances I have at a semi-stable future in my old age. The pay is garbage. I only make $11. I finally got a job offer with a company I've wanted to work for and it would be a minimum $5 pay increase plus additional, fancy benefits.

Found out today, before my interview, they don't ever hire in at full time. Most people have to wait years to receive full time. Some weeks are 20 hours and some are 5. I've encountered six jobs around me that would offer more pay, but half of the hours I have now with zero benefits.

How the absolute fuck am I supposed to make it? I can't risk it on the false promises of full time “eventually”. I have medical issues and insurance is a necessity. Last time I got a flippin' UTI without insurance it was $300 for the visit and antibiotics. We tried to get me on my partner's plan as spouse and the monthly cost would be $550… So, I had to prepare my partner for the very high possibility that I have to decline the better paying job if offered because I can't do part time work, regardless of pay, due to lack of benefits/coverage.

I feel so trapped in every option. I just needed to rant. I'm so tired.

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