
Abused, burnt out, and depressed

TW: sexual assault I've (F23) been at my current job for over a year and I've been tossed around like I mean nothing almost the entire time. Our last manager before our current one (who also freaking sucks) literally sexually assaulted me in the workplace and manipulated me into doing her job for her for 3 whole months and I got no compensation out of it despite my district manager knowing (after the fact). My district manager said he would help me contact HR to report the abuse I went through but it's been months and I haven't heard anything back, I'm beginning to think he just tried to make me think I was contacting them so I didn't sue the company for neglect. I want to leave so bad but I have nothing to fall back on until school in September. Then again, I am too burnt out and…

TW: sexual assault

I've (F23) been at my current job for over a year and I've been tossed around like I mean nothing almost the entire time. Our last manager before our current one (who also freaking sucks) literally sexually assaulted me in the workplace and manipulated me into doing her job for her for 3 whole months and I got no compensation out of it despite my district manager knowing (after the fact). My district manager said he would help me contact HR to report the abuse I went through but it's been months and I haven't heard anything back, I'm beginning to think he just tried to make me think I was contacting them so I didn't sue the company for neglect. I want to leave so bad but I have nothing to fall back on until school in September. Then again, I am too burnt out and depressed to even really care anymore. I've been on COVID sick leave for about 2 weeks now and it's still not enough to get me back on track. I need some real TLC with myself before I feel better about going back to work. What should I do? Suck it up and make money until September or just say fuck it and quit now. I'll have to lie to my parents (live at home because of the shit economy lmfao) and say I got fired but whatever.

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