
Abusive boss won’t accept my partner’s resignation – what to do?

My partner has worked for a company for many years but has a burn-out that was caused by terrible management. All their boss and his assistant (who are sleeping together) do is hound my partner and constantly ask when they will return to work. They have returned for a few days in the past but got physically sick from the pressure they put on them. They quit today but their boss won’t accept their resignation. I work for the same company in and am afraid they will be awful to me from now on. To make things more complicated, there is no HR department, the closest thing to HR there is, is the previously mentioned assistant. We were previously friends with both but that bled out because as it turns out, that gets incredibly complicated. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do we handle this properly? What can…

My partner has worked for a company for many years but has a burn-out that was caused by terrible management. All their boss and his assistant (who are sleeping together) do is hound my partner and constantly ask when they will return to work. They have returned for a few days in the past but got physically sick from the pressure they put on them. They quit today but their boss won’t accept their resignation. I work for the same company in and am afraid they will be awful to me from now on. To make things more complicated, there is no HR department, the closest thing to HR there is, is the previously mentioned assistant. We were previously friends with both but that bled out because as it turns out, that gets incredibly complicated.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do we handle this properly? What can our boss do legally that could make things difficult for my partner and I? They already have a job offer lined up to start in just over a month.

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