
Abusive Narcissistic Bosses

I remotely (we are in different states) helped a long time friend of mine open up a business of theirs and learned why you don’t mix business and friendship. When it was good it was great but I was basically on call 24/7, traveled across the country monthly to be in person to help, subjected to the wrath of her bad days and be the overall the punching bag for her and her husband. Including threatening physical violence. They even laughed while admitting they can’t treat the other employee the way they treat me because she will cry and I won’t. Not to mention putting up with and keeping my mouth shut with a few other unethical situations I’ve been subjected to. Anyways, They were expanding and had this extravagant party with friends and colleagues to celebrate. Towards the end of the night I got on the mic to make…

I remotely (we are in different states) helped a long time friend of mine open up a business of theirs and learned why you don’t mix business and friendship. When it was good it was great but I was basically on call 24/7, traveled across the country monthly to be in person to help, subjected to the wrath of her bad days and be the overall the punching bag for her and her husband. Including threatening physical violence. They even laughed while admitting they can’t treat the other employee the way they treat me because she will cry and I won’t. Not to mention putting up with and keeping my mouth shut with a few other unethical situations I’ve been subjected to.

Anyways, They were expanding and had this extravagant party with friends and colleagues to celebrate. Towards the end of the night I got on the mic to make a speech about how proud I was of them and to thank them for taking me on. Immediately her husband grabs the mic out of my hands and goes on a long tangent of every gripe they have had with me since I started working for them. Even at one point screaming ‘Fuck you’ repeatedly.

The room became silent. The ‘friend’ tries shutting him up and he (still over the mic) says that what he was saying were things they discuss when they go home at night. Naturally mortified and beyond hurt, I decide to cut out and immediately book a flight home. When I told the ‘friend’ what I was doing and how hurt I was, she says I’m disrespectful and I needed to ‘prove myself’ to them and I should just leave my work phone and go if that’s how I felt. She’s tried reaching out about insignificant things a few times this past week. Even sent me a meme on Instagram this morning. But I have yet to receive an apology or any type or acknowledgment, other than right after it happened where the husband cornered me in the bathroom drunkenly crying and going on about how embarrassed he was. The kicker is it’s in the mental health field and the party was to announce a non-profit to help patients who cannot afford copays and deductibles. (my idea btw lol)

The most aggravating part is I was never a w2 so I cannot receive any unemployment or compensation. My husband is in school and can’t work so I was/am the breadwinner. I fortunately was able to sock away some cash so I’m alright for a little while but it sucks so bad.

Just felt the need to rant to internet strangers because I’m still pissed and this seemed like the place to do so.

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