
ADA Discrimination

I work the front desk at a hotel and recently put in requests for ADA accommodations. They were approved for the most part. However, I feel like some things are being done as retaliation. Part if my request was a 30 minute break. I live in Texas and we don't have labor laws requiring lunch breaks, etc. They DO give me my breaks, but literally 1 hour into my shift. Ex: I clock in at 3pm and they make me take my break at 4pm. They also have exclusively put me on the evening shift, which is always the busiest and I have to work the desk solo regardless of how many check-ins we have. But, whenever they make me go on break, the entire management teams suddenly knows how to work the front desk. These last 2 weeks they started tracking metrics again: how many texts we send to…

I work the front desk at a hotel and recently put in requests for ADA accommodations. They were approved for the most part. However, I feel like some things are being done as retaliation.

Part if my request was a 30 minute break. I live in Texas and we don't have labor laws requiring lunch breaks, etc. They DO give me my breaks, but literally 1 hour into my shift. Ex: I clock in at 3pm and they make me take my break at 4pm.

They also have exclusively put me on the evening shift, which is always the busiest and I have to work the desk solo regardless of how many check-ins we have. But, whenever they make me go on break, the entire management teams suddenly knows how to work the front desk.

These last 2 weeks they started tracking metrics again: how many texts we send to guests, membership sign ups, etc. But those interactions take place primarily on the evening shift. So I'm basically responsible for meeting all the goals except for my 2 days off a week.

All this is to say: I plan to message HR as diplomatically as possible. But I don't know if I should mention/call the issue retaliation. I've seen some information that if I don't call it by name, the company can later claim they never knew about it or were given a chance to rectify it. Basically I want to do everything I can to give me the best chances in case of a lawsuit. I do plan to file with the EEOC.

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