
Advice about giving notice?

Background: contract ended on a job for a company I was at for almost 10 years and position was split…I ended up leaving, I found something fairly quick, but like 3 days after I started onboarding, the Government decided to pause the project, could be un-paused if Government shutdown is avoided in mid-november, or it could be indefinite, whose to know… I am currently on the bench, being charged to overhead, instead of the direct project. Needless to say it wasn't something I wanted to risk, and luckily I was still doing interviews, and landed an even better position the next week. I signed the offer letter on Friday. I guess where the dilemma comes in is I am awaiting background check, and reference checks for an official start date, I mean by all accounts it should go fine, since I went through more thorough background check last month, but…

Background: contract ended on a job for a company I was at for almost 10 years and position was split…I ended up leaving,

I found something fairly quick, but like 3 days after I started onboarding, the Government decided to pause the project, could be un-paused if Government shutdown is avoided in mid-november, or it could be indefinite, whose to know…

I am currently on the bench, being charged to overhead, instead of the direct project. Needless to say it wasn't something I wanted to risk, and luckily I was still doing interviews, and landed an even better position the next week. I signed the offer letter on Friday.

I guess where the dilemma comes in is I am awaiting background check, and reference checks for an official start date, I mean by all accounts it should go fine, since I went through more thorough background check last month, but it's always in the back of your mind that an offer could be rescinded. I would probably start end of October. So my 2 week notice would have to be this Monday, since the start Date is 2 weeks away.

I am almost certain if I give my 2 weeks notice, I will be let go because I am brand new employee on overhead, I really don't want to burn a bridge, but I also don't want to be up shits creek without a paddle if something were to go wrong with current offer?

Leaving wasn't in the plan when I joined, but It quickly become a plan when the Pause happened.

If anyone has ever been in a similar situation or even advice on what they would do in my situation would be appreciated, Thanks.

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