
Advice For Dealing with a Crappy Boss

I have a boss who keeps trying to load me down with more responsibilities that I don't want. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I left my apartment and moved in with him. During the pandemic our boss moved us all to remote workers. However, he also loaded me down with work not within my purview – such as meeting with account managers and a ton of reports I wasn't trained to do (providing no training). I worked so much OT it was unreal. I was regularly made to beg for any time off (I haven't had a vacation in literally nine years) to bring my dad to his appointments. In addition, he bragged how he got me a raise and I'm making 15.00 an hour so I should be working my ass off… news flash on Indeed they are hiring entry level people in customer…

I have a boss who keeps trying to load me down with more responsibilities that I don't want. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I left my apartment and moved in with him. During the pandemic our boss moved us all to remote workers. However, he also loaded me down with work not within my purview – such as meeting with account managers and a ton of reports I wasn't trained to do (providing no training). I worked so much OT it was unreal.

I was regularly made to beg for any time off (I haven't had a vacation in literally nine years) to bring my dad to his appointments. In addition, he bragged how he got me a raise and I'm making 15.00 an hour so I should be working my ass off… news flash on Indeed they are hiring entry level people in customer service at 16.00 an hour.

My dad is dying from cancer. This jerk off now wants to give me more responsibility that I don't want or need.

We're supposed to have a meeting soon because I've already told him I just want to do my work and leave. This isn't my family, it's a job. I'm not interested in a career path; I just want a job with normal hours. Period.

I'd really like to leave without notice.

People have advised me not to do this without another job lined up, but I think they mistakenly think I want a career. Frankly, I could give a fat rat about a career. I'm so irritated I'm afraid I'm going to say something ugly.

I do have a part-time job cleaning and some savings (no debt).

Any advice? Should I just jump ship? What happened to the days of a normal 8-5 job? When did this 'we're all a big family garbage' creep in?

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Advice For Dealing with a Crappy Boss

I have a boss who keeps trying to load me down with more responsibilities that I don't want. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I left my apartment and moved in with him. During the pandemic our boss moved us all to remote workers. However, he also loaded me down with work not within my purview – such as meeting with account managers and a ton of reports I wasn't trained to do (providing no training). I worked so much OT it was unreal. I was regularly made to beg for any time off (I haven't had a vacation in literally nine years) to bring my dad to his appointments. In addition, he bragged how he got me a raise and I'm making 15.00 an hour so I should be working my ass off… news flash on Indeed they are hiring entry level people in customer…

I have a boss who keeps trying to load me down with more responsibilities that I don't want. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I left my apartment and moved in with him. During the pandemic our boss moved us all to remote workers. However, he also loaded me down with work not within my purview – such as meeting with account managers and a ton of reports I wasn't trained to do (providing no training). I worked so much OT it was unreal.

I was regularly made to beg for any time off (I haven't had a vacation in literally nine years) to bring my dad to his appointments. In addition, he bragged how he got me a raise and I'm making 15.00 an hour so I should be working my ass off… news flash on Indeed they are hiring entry level people in customer service at 16.00 an hour.

My dad is dying from cancer. This jerk off now wants to give me more responsibility that I don't want or need.

We're supposed to have a meeting soon because I've already told him I just want to do my work and leave. This isn't my family, it's a job. I'm not interested in a career path; I just want a job with normal hours. Period.

I'd really like to leave without notice.

People have advised me not to do this without another job lined up, but I think they mistakenly think I want a career. Frankly, I could give a fat rat about a career. I'm so irritated I'm afraid I'm going to say something ugly.

I do have a part-time job cleaning and some savings (no debt).

Any advice? Should I just jump ship? What happened to the days of a normal 8-5 job? When did this 'we're all a big family garbage' creep in?

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