
Advice for nonsense office issues…

I often am 10-15 min early for work because of how transit times out. The other option is 10-15 min late. I’ll come to the office, settle my things and make a cup of coffee and just browse whatever on my phone/relax a bit. Sometimes I journal a prompt. However, when my supervisor is in the office and comes in early, she starts right away and expects me too also – she’ll send me an email at 830 asking me to do x and then question me at 845 if I’ve done it. If I start early like this, I’ll slip out a few minutes early to more or less balance it out. This is fine by me. However, it was nothing formal, but I did get reprimanded for it, and told I must leave 530 on the dot or later. If my supervisor wants to start early that’s her…

I often am 10-15 min early for work because of how transit times out. The other option is 10-15 min late.

I’ll come to the office, settle my things and make a cup of coffee and just browse whatever on my phone/relax a bit. Sometimes I journal a prompt.

However, when my supervisor is in the office and comes in early, she starts right away and expects me too also – she’ll send me an email at 830 asking me to do x and then question me at 845 if I’ve done it.

If I start early like this, I’ll slip out a few minutes early to more or less balance it out. This is fine by me. However, it was nothing formal, but I did get reprimanded for it, and told I must leave 530 on the dot or later.

If my supervisor wants to start early that’s her life. She also makes 150k while I make under 50K, lol. Expecting 10-15 extra minutes from me just makes me salty with that salary.

Any advice aside from me just dicking around outside until it’s 8:58 and then roll in the office on the dot at 9? I did vocalize once or twice that I haven’t started yet, but it’s just not clicking in her head.

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